Aviation Supply Officer 6602

Photo by Lance Cpl. Moses Lopez Franco
The Aviation Logistics OccFld includes personnel in the areas of aviation supply, aviation information systems, and aviation logistics planning. Qualifications required include operating various information technology systems; understanding and utilizing related publications, possessing distinct communicative and writing skills, and the ability to work independently and closely with additional logistical functional
areas. The duties involve administration and operational procedures, office and warehouse management procedures; preparation and use of military publications and the preparation of accounting documents. There are a wide variety of billets available in the OccFld ranging from duty at all level of the MAW/ MALS to various Non-FMF billets such as Marine Helicopter Squadron-1 (HMX-1) and instructor duty. Aviation Logisticians are primarily aviation supply, aviation maintenance, aviation ordnance, and avionics personnel on higher headquarters staffs that coordinate/conduct aviation logistics planning in support of Operational Plans (OPLANs) and/or Contingency Plans (CONPLANs). In addition to a thorough understanding of their primary MOS, these personnel are involved with the Marine Aviation Logistics Support Program (MALSP), MCPP, the Joint Operations Planning and Execution System (JOPES), Maritime Prepositioning Force (MPF) operations, and employment of the aviation logistics ship (TAVB). The Aviation Logistics OccFld has been expanded to include principal responsibility in the management and execution of Chief of Naval Operations (CNO) and CMC-directed strategies for continuous process improvement.
What is a 6602?
Aviation Supply Officers are unrestricted officers who may command, or assist in commanding a MALS. Aviation Supply Officers may also achieve designation as an Acquisition Professional. Aviation Supply Officers are responsible for planning, directing, and controlling the performance and execution of aviation supply functions within MAWs, MALS, Marine Corps Air Stations, Naval Expeditionary Vessels, and various Navy Type Command (TYCOM) and Systems Command (SYSCOM) staffs. This requires in-depth familiarity and working knowledge sufficient to supervise and control Navy-developed and sponsored aviation logistics information management systems; repairable material management programs; financial management programs; budgeting and accounting functions; aviation inventory management functions; and warehousing operations. Aviation Supply Officers must ensure that aviation supply operations sustain the unit's combat readiness and enhance its ability to perform its mission. They must be able to establish division and department goals and to develop and execute plans to achieve those goals. They must monitor supply management indicators to assist in tracking performance over time and ensure progress towards accomplishment of established goals. Aviation Supply Officers must initiate and maintain liaison with external agencies to provide or obtain support and to report supply management indicators. They must also initiate and maintain liaison with maintenance personnel in the operational squadrons and the Intermediate Maintenance Department so that they have a clear appreciation of the needs of their customers.
Are there any prerequisites/requirements to becoming an Aircraft Supply Officer?
Must be eligible for a secret security clearance.
Complete the Marine Aviation Supply Officer Basic Qualification Course at the CNATT Detachment at Naval Air Station Whiting Field, Milton, FL. Course length is 92 training days. The purpose of the course is to provide Aviation Supply Officers with sufficient knowledge of logistics support and managerial responsibilities to plan, direct, analyze and control the performance and execution of aviation supply functions within the divisions of a MALS Supply Department and in support of deployed activities. These apprentice level skills will be performed under normal conditions in MALS Supply Departments, ashore and afloat. Instruction includes: Marine aviation logistics; fundamentals within Supply Response Division (SRD); fundamentals within Consumables Management Division (CMD); Repairables Management Division (RMD); Squadron Support Division (SSD); Supply Accounting Division (SAD); manage Division Operations; and Planned deployed operations of redeployment.
Common first assignments
A typical first tour assignment for an Aviation Supply Officer is as a Division OIC in the Aviation Supply Department within an O-5 (Lieutenant Colonel) command at a MALS the as part of the ACE of the MAGTF. There is typically one MALS subordinate to each MAG.
Responsibilities of a Division OIC typically include the inventory management, financial management, and requisition management of all aeronautical requirements within the MAG. Aviation Logistics Officers work hand-in-hand with Marine Officers in the 6002 MOS (AMO) from the MALS Maintenance Department and the rotary wing, tilt rotor, and fixed wing squadrons in support of aviation operations.
Recommended reading for Aircraft Supply Officers?
A Higher Call: An Incredible True Story of Combat and Chivalry in the War-Torn Skies of Word War II. Adam Makos and Larry Alexander
Keep Your Airspeed Up: The Story of a Tuskegee Airman. Harold H. Brown and Marsha S. Bordner
What it’s Like to go to War. Karl Marlantes
Switch: How to Change things When Change is Hard. Chip Heath and Dan Heath
The Box: How the Shipping Container made the World Smaller and the Economy Bigger. Marc Levinson
Related occupations
6604, Aviation Supply Operations Officer (III) (CWO5 to WO) PMOS
6607, Aviation Logistician (LtCol to 2ndLt) and (CWO5 to WO) NMOS (6002, 6302, 02, 6602)
6608, AIRSpeed Officer (LtCol to 2ndLt) and (CWO5 to WO) NMOS (6XXX)
6617, Enlisted Aviation Logistician (MGySgt to GySgt) NMOS (6042, 6391, 6591, 72)
6618, Enlisted AIRSpeed Coordinator (MGySgt to Sgt) NMOS (6019, 6062, 6073, 91, 6469, 6672)
6672, Aviation Supply Specialist (MGySgt to Pvt) PMOS
6694, Aviation Logistics Information Management System (ALIMS) Specialist (MGySgt to Pvt) PMOS